Cotton Mill Ruins

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Cotton Mill Ruins

New Manchester Manufacturing Company was founded in 1849 and was a as a five-story water-powered mill for production of clothing and other materials until it was burned during the civil war. It was burned in 1864 by General Sherman during his ‘March to the Sea.’  The cotton mill ruins are open to visitors and is one of the primary draws of Sweetwater Creek State Park.  Though visitors are not allowed in the interior, the friends of the park group does a fine job of maintaining boardwalks that offer great views of the remains of the structure. The hours for visitation on the ruins are from 9am-5pm. The photography by Christopher Ryan showcases the aftereffects of the civil war on southern states. The general environment that the cotton mill is in, as well as its decrepit nature, mixes really well to create a nice theme of nature retaking an area. The photos really highlight the rivers surrounding the mill. According to, The site was used in the hunger games. “Once the war ended the factory was all but forgotten, the crumbling brick walls left to fall apart and be overtaken by the dense Georgia foliage. When the area around Sweetwater Creek was turned into a state park, trails were forged that led hikers to the increasingly beautiful ruins. The site is recognizable from the popular “Hunger Games” films. ”


Make sure to check out CR’s other work involving abandoned areas.

About The Author

Christopher Ryan is an international photographer specializing in conceptual portraits in unique environments, such as abandoned buildings and picturesque landscapes. His work breaks the barriers of race, age, and geographic location, capturing the energy and exuberance of the human form. He was influenced by his unusual upbringing in the American South. He seeks to retain the virtues of Southern Charm while abandoning pre-conceived notions of prejudice.

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